Sunday, October 15, 2006

And to be fair ...

Hanan's list of annoying men:

  1. Men who end any debate with: Cause I am a man. Dude that's not a valide argument!
  2. Men who walk in the malls with a tribe of kids yelling, Ya Walad ro7 3end ummak, but still manage to hit on any woman around.
  3. Men who think that being a man makes him a better driver. Two words for you: Danica Patrick .
  4. Men who think they can get married at any age to women of any age. 60 marrying 16 is just gross!
  5. Men who think married women are easy. Shame on you!
  6. Men who think that they can get anyone women they want. Meaning when they say Bayeeb raas flaana!!
  7. Men who hide their age. I actually met a guy who never confessed his age and bragged about him looking very young. Dude, being short does not mean being young!
  8. Men who wear diamonds . A girl's best friend! Wanna steal that from us too?
  9. Men who think that men can excel in any feel, not due to personal qualities but because they are men! --> very similar to point 1, just shows how annoying it is!
  10. Men with long hair: It's only ok if you have nice hair and it shouldn't be longer than shoulder-length no matter what!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Poisonous Eve

Hanan's list of annoying women:

  1. Women who think being dumb is the best way to act in front of men. No, I will leave all the math work on you, I am a woman, I don't like to think!
  2. Women who consider getting married their ultimate goal.
  3. Women who after fulfilling their ultimate goal, can't stop talking about their husbands. Even more annoying are the ones who would ad, well you don't have a husband so you wouldn't know how it is for us married women!
  4. Women who think being open minded means being of loose character.
  5. Women who think its OK to talk about women issues among other women. - No just cause I know about it doesn't mean I wanna know about what's going on with you!
  6. Women in 7ejab who allow their daughters to dress up like baby hoochie mamas.
  7. Women who when attempting to get to know you ask, what is your star sign? - What's up with that?!
  8. Women who swear they were gonna buy the same shirt from X shop. But then decided against it. Or women who go like, ooh nice skirt, it's from X shop right? If you know you saw it, why bother asking me about it?!
  9. Women who just think they deserve special treatment just because they are women. To the lady waiting for a taxi the other day, you saw there were 5 men standing in the line you knew that they were there before you, you felt the terrible weather, you had no right to take that cab.
  10. Women who just have to make everything about them. Your broken arm reminds them of when their neighbors pet turtle was lost and they had to paint their house blue!