Monday, July 31, 2006

Stop The Press ...

I might have been tweleve years old when I started reading newspapers. Everyday on my way back from school I would grab my dad's copy and read Al Ittihad in the car. In the begining it was the just the last page and the Rayy Ennas articles, then I got interested in the 7awadeth section and so on, by the time I was in high school I was reading the whole paper more or less, including the dreadful first page that I purposly used to skip and the political and social essays written by renowned journalists.

It was one of those first page news that got me into one of my first great depressions. The 2001 "Intifada" broke my heart. The helplessness was too great to bear. To me the only way of coping was pretending that ignorance is bliss. And so it was in 2001 that I decided to end this long love-hate relationship and stop reading the papers altogether.

Surprisingly enough, for a person who eventually got a degree in Media Studies, I did not really need to read the papers. ( Now don't judge me; judge the program I was enrolled in!)

It wasnt until quiet recently, in a de-bimbofying* attempt to resuscitate my former so-called intellectual self that I sought back the company of newspapers. And this time I took out the big guns! I started going through a couple of local newspapers, and some arab and international news websites. This way I thought I will get the big picture. I would be able to evaluate infromation to produce my own unbiased and educated opinions on international affairs. And at the same time I would be able to steer away from getting into personal, emotional and irational dilemmas.**

Alas! I might as well had tried to make my boss fly!

It ain't ignorance that causes all the trouble in this world. It's the things people know that ain't so. --Edwin Armstrong

* I had to use that word! Since I made up that word this morning, I could not wait to use it!!
** Seems like I copied that from my ZULO reflection papers!!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

إن لم تكن ذئبا أكلتك الذئاب

This world is not a place for a person like me.
With all my hostility, I am still too mellow.

Monday, July 17, 2006

You gotta be kidding me!

Some people just need twice as much sense to be called halfwits! Seriously how dumb can you be?

Numerous people around Dubai believe that Superman is not a product of a comic book, but in fact a real-life superhero.

>> This conspiracy theory only emerged yesterday after the 7DAYS printed a spoof paper called the ‘Daily Planet’ as part of an advertising campaign for the new movie ‘Superman Returns’. In the spoof paper photographs of Superman were shown in the UAE, Lebanon and Egypt.

>> Since the publishing of the spoof paper, however, 7DAYS has received legitimate phone-calls from the public asking whether the sightings were in fact real.

>> Unfortunately, 7DAYS had to bust this conspiracy theory and admit that the pictured sightings were courtesy of the power of Photoshop and purely an advertisment for the new movie ‘Superman Returns.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Rock On!

How come we can't see such ads in here?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Summer Empowerment

Me and my sister in a souvenir shop :

Sister: Oooh this is so cute!
(My sister points at a crystal cube with customized 3D portrait inside)
Me: yeah it is alright
(Not really interested)
Sister: We should totally get our pics done
Me: yeah ok
(Still not interested)
Sister: which size should we take?
Me: hmmm
(I had to look up and see what she was talking about.
I see 3 piles of stacked crystal cubes:
The pile on left had 3 crystals of 3 different sizes
The pile in the middle had 3 crystals of 2 sizes,
The pile on the right; I can't really remember.)

Me: Excuse me, which one of those is the medium size?
(Silly Sales Attendant -SSA- points at the pile on the left)
SSA: if this one is small and this one is large, which size do you think is the one in the middle?
(Group of SSA starts laughing)
Me: Ok so what about the ones in here?
( I point at the pile in the middle)
SSA: those two are small but this one is large.
(SSAs laugh some more)
Me: see that is why I asked
SSA: It is up to me!
Me: you know because of that attitude of yours am not going to buy anything. Your Bad!

Me and Sis walk out of shop!