Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Foot in my mouth

I made the ultimate mistake in the corporate world:  I was IMing snide -but true- comments about a coworker and I got caught! 

She accidently read the conversation and reported it to our boss. 
If there is one thing that I hate more than being wrong; it's being caught at it! 

I cant think of words to describe the discomfort I am feeling right now. Ugh! 

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Am7ag Ba5t

If there was such a thing as Filipino Manicurists Association, they would definitely have this small talk to do checklist.
- Ask about age
- Ask about marital status 
- If single, ask why they are still single ( I don't know the scenario for married women) 
- Ask whether the person with you is your: sister/friend/mother/daughter/etc
- Ask who is younger

This is my latest nail bar misadventure. 

Manicurist: How old are you?
Hanan: twenty something
M: Ohhhh but you look so young
H: Thanks. 

M: Are you married? (this is the second rule)
H: No
M: But why?
I smile like an idiot. 

M: You have boyfriend?
H: No
M: Ohh your religion wont let you ehh?

I will spare you the how-do-Emirati-girls-get-married part and skip to the juicy/heart breaking stuff.

M: I have a brother you know...same age as you.He is studying computer science, very good looking. He is willing to convert you know. You think your parents would agree?!

Hanan's ego has left the building.