" So your family has been in the UAE for a while right? You are an old Emirati? "
Who is an Old Emirati? Who is an Emirati?
Are you born an Emirati? Is it your Passport that makes you an Emirati? Or is the 5ula9at El qaid?
Are Emiratis people of certain tribes only? From certain Emirates?
Who is more Emirati: people of Yemeni roots or Persian Roots? What about Buloush? What about the other 5aleejy people who have the Emirati citizenship? Are they considered Emirati too?
If we rate Emiratis: Do we have First Class Emiratis? Second Class Emiratis? Who is at the bottom of the this system?
Here's a tricky question:
Let us assume that technically you are a second class Emirati but you have a lot of money (definition of a lot of money: millions) would that make you a first class Emirati?