Sunday, February 04, 2007

Cruel Cruel Me

My company had an event at the mall yesterday. Like any other public event, there had to be giveaways.
Freebies come in, my manners go out.
After almost being run over by a crowd of 600 people, I lost my nerves.
I also lost my humanity.
There was a half blind/deaf man in the crowd, he kept on asking me for a goody bag, I had a strict policy, I asked him to wait in the line or hang around till the main attraction was over.
I don't know where the guy went, but he came later on when all the giveaways were over.
And he kept on pointing to his hearing aid. I got so furious at this guy.
How could he use his disability to gain people's sympathy? How could he treat himself this way? I was treating him as an equal , and there he was asking to be treated differently. He wanted me to feel sorry for him, when I was dignifying him !

Yet I feel miserable about the whole situation


Anonymous said...

Take it easy. There are all kinds & types of people. And in a job where you have to interact with a lot of people, they key to success is to remain cool. And believe me, it is not as much difficult as it sounds, you just have to remain patient. With time you just get used to it. Good luck :-)

SZ said...

it's a tough situation huh

raed said...

hey... just wanted to drop a hi
take it easy on disabled people :P
don't be so cruel... hehe :D

Arab Lady said...

update Hanan

clayfuture said...

Hehehe... arablady goes around on everyone's blog and tells them to update!!

Arab Lady said...

well ya simply coz i enjoy their posts u....

stop teasing me otherwise...**ANGRY FACE***

clayfuture said...

hahaha... ok ok.. update Hanan....... I think she's on vacation or something!!

Arab Lady said...

hmmm i dont think so but everybody sounds to be busy in this country :S