Monday, August 20, 2007

Reason # 762950 why it sucks to be a woman

I can not travel on my own.


Arab Lady said...

sho ya sabiyi

tell us if ur bro's friend got that job

u just inspired me to write a post...


Arab Lady said...


ray said...

religious or family or culture that you can't travel alone?

Hanan said...

AL: I am back, I was busy with work (what else could I be busy with ? Ya3nee God forbid I have a life!) :P
I dont know what happened to the guy, didnt see him yet.
Entee elly wein? Is there something wrong with my explorer? last time you blogged was in July!!

R: all of the above.Sulk. A blog entry is forming in my head.

ray said...

i know it sucks :( but sometimes we gotta break the rules..

like my mum tells me how when she was young it was forbidden for females to drive.. but slowly out of need they started driving, and now its expected for females once they turn 18 to start driving (at least in my family, i do know that still in some cultures its not common like one gentleman pointed out to me when i was at uni that "itha yichoof 7urma itsooog ingool 3anha '7aysa") but my point is that change can only happen if we initiate it..