Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hay Fidelity?

نقصت 10 كيلو
سويت ريجيم و راحت كرشتي
زوجي كتب البيت باسمي
بسافر و ألف العالم
زوجي كل أسبوع يفاجئني بهدية و يمدحني
و أنا الوحيدة في حياته
(اماراتية تحلم)

Last night I received that text message. It is just so sad! No not the whole diet and weight loss part cause am a firm believer that no lard can stand up against a well balanced diet and a good five times a week work out! But it was all the other points that got me frowning!
Most (let's say 97%) of Emirati girls grow up wanting to get married sooner than god forbid later. Now am not sure if the whole infatuation is with the idea of getting married or the idea of throwing an unforgettable wedding party or just having the burden of being a spinister off their shoulders but that is an other story all together.
What made me reread this message was not the fact that it was not funny in the first place but that I personally know more than handful of married Emirati women who can definitly see themselves in that message.
Is fidelity something so rare nowadays that people joke about it?
At a (feminist) friend's place this issue came up. We discussed whether a person should get into a relationship assuming that a time will come when their partner would cheat. We also wondered which would be better after knowing that your partner cheated/is cheating: staying with him or leaving? Keeping it to yourself or confronting him? Would it be a surprise that after years of marriage he was willing to give you up?


raed said...

I agree... it is so sad to find people joking about such immoral behavior, because they will be somehow acknowledging this fact, which could eventually end up becoming a society norm.

daktara said...

may be one day your dreams becomes true