Monday, August 07, 2006

On my birthday

7th August, 1992
A few of my cousins and my siblings were all sitting in grandma's room passing just another Summer afternoon. My aunts had just returned from the bank and were going through the events of the day. After counting all the money and checking her gold, my eldest aunt handed me a fresh from the bank bundle of notes and asked me to give it to my mom. It could have been my first time holding such a large sum of money. With a huge sense of responsibility and an air of superiority I went out of my grandma's room intending to go straight to ours. My brother who is two years older than me followed me out of the room and asked me to slow down.
We were in the hallway just outside of my grandmother's room, when he told me that the money I was holding was actually my birthday gift! " It is a large amount and that's why she didnt give it to you" I looked at him in disbelieve. " You can ask her if you want, go ahead, you know she is in there". He knew that I spent the whole day thinking how insignificant my birthday is to everyone in that house. He knew that I always thought someone will surprise me on my birthday, I always wanted that. I went back inside that room and asked my aunt in hesitation " Is this my birthday gift?" I dont remember who said what, but I still remember the laughter that filled the room, and the stabbing pain in my heart when my brother was rolling on the floor.

1 comment:

Sara said...

hah! mine's in 14 days. hope you had a good one :D