Saturday, March 17, 2007


He was the one who would tell you dirty jokes when he knew he shouldn't have.
He was the one who told you all those funny adventures you wished you could ever have.
And when you were growing older you were embarassed to be seen with him, cause one way or the other he would manage to embarass you.
Today he is gone. And he will be missed.

3ammy, I was never close to you but I always envied my other cousins for knowing you better. I never got to know you and today you leave us to hopefully a better place.

Allah yer7amk ya 3ammy oo ye'3amed roo7ak el janna.


Anonymous said...

a7san allah 3ezakom ... allah yj3al 8abreh raw'6a men reya'6 el janah ..

Hanan said...

Shakar Allah sa3yakom, jazaak(ch) Allah 5air.

flamin said...

Death is always a difficult feeling to deal with. And to always have that tinge of regret that 'you could have known him better' just adds to the grief. Hope you're well.

May God bless his soul, Ameen.

Brave Heart said...

عظم الله اجركم وجعل الجنه مسكنه